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Curious About The Complete Guide developed?

See Why Thousands Of Business Owners And freelancers Are Turning To Silia’s A2Z To Gain The Confidence… And Master The Skills They Need… To Set Up their business and Scale their business to success on proper footing, in Just 90 Days Or Less


Silia here,

If you are reading this section, I am excited, because this means that you have either identified a gap in the market, or you have decided to follow your passion and dreams and become your own boss and set up your own company. Or you wish to scale up your business because you are tired of being stuck.

The Complete Guide is my flagship program that I designed to help freelancers, individuals, and business owners on all the necessary steps and facets, that they have to go through to set up their business or scale up their business, on proper footing. To give their business a real chance to succeed. The result / deliverable is a complete “A to Z Guide” on the fore mentioned, offered in 3 packages to cater to different needs and accommodate different budgets,

I designed it to help young professionals and business owners ensure that they are taking care of all the elements a business needs to have in place to succeed.

Having the Business Fundamentals right should become your number one priority as a business owner. Why?

Because if you don’t have your operations right, if you haven’t developed the appropriate marketing and sales or closing skills, if your finances are not in order, it doesn’t matter how good your product, or your craft is, or how BIG your goals are. Your business and income will always stay stuck, and you’ll never know how to monetize and eventually break through the glass ceiling on your revenue.


The Complete Guide bridges the Gap between Information / Knowledge and Results / Doing through Guidance / Consulting & Coaching to achieve what we Call: “Mastery”.

We believe these 3 elements are crucial for in-depth learning and mastering a skill:

  • 1. Attending a course
  • 2. Supported with Coaching & Consulting
  • 3. Delivered with practical business tools in a simple and easily understood manner.

Which you need to practise and apply to your new or existing business.

If you’ve ever attended a training program that didn't work for you, it’s probably because it wasn’t delivered in this manner.

Maybe the curriculum or topic you attended was great, but you didn’t achieve the results you were aiming for because it was too technical, too complicated impressing with technical jargon.

But the reality is that learning is different from doing. If you don’t apply what you learned, if you don’t apply at least a single suggestion or tool that was served to you, chances are:

  • 1. Your new business might fail or
  • 2. Your existing business will remain stuck unless you change something.

This course aims and pushes you:

  • 1. To understand the basic business fundamentals.
  • 2. To be honest and audit what you have in order to address your weak points, and develop the necessary skills to overcome these bottlenecks.
  • 3. And challenges your mindset and shares new perspectives to push you towards the path to success.

The course tells you WHAT to do, irrespective of the package you select, built on a clear and successful blueprint which is enhanced with simple business tools and templates.

When you combine the three ingredients to successful mastery and in-depth learning, success is in your hands. People often think that they need to learn and master complicated skills, but usually success depends on going back to basics and mastering the basics.

Let me assure you, this program works.

  • • It works if you are a freelance or individual that just wants to venture in the business world and open a company for the first time.
  • • For the new business owners that are unsure of their next steps.
  • • For the small business owners that are stuck and cannot scale up.
  • • It works regardless of where you live in the world. Because the business principles are universal and do not discriminate.
  • • It works no matter what products or services you sell.
  • • And it works fast. The course is only 4-9 hours, and you should start seeing results as soon as you start implementing changes and the tools and knowledge gained.

How will it Help?

It doesn't mater if you are a freelancer or if you want to turn your craft into a profession or if you are an existing Business Owner.
With the Complete Guide

You will learn and ensure that you are ticking all the boxes pertaining the:

Ensuring that you do your research when venturing into a new business. Or ideally identify a gap in the market where there will be demand in your service and or products to be offered. Or capitalize on your expertise that you have gained, or your passion. Something that you will love doing! Questioning, pushing you, challenging you, to ensure that you are taking a step towards something that will succeed. As Confucious wisely said: “Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life.”
Teaching you the importance of putting together a business plan, or at least having a clear strategy towards achieving your goals. Putting together a business plan will act as you own blueprint for the path you will follow. A good business plan will not only help you focus on the specific steps necessary for you to make business ideas succeed, but it also helps you achieve short-term and long-term objectives. And once you make it a happen to properly plan and strategize, YOU you will lead the success of your business. Quoting Benjamin Franklin: “By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail.”
Are your finances in order? Financial management and securing financing play a crucial role in setting up and running a successful business. These aspects ensure that your business has adequate funding to start and grow, will help you control your costs, and manage your cash flow, reducing financial risk. It will help facilitate investment in new opportunities and growth. I wish to help you gain confidence and a basic understanding of the financial aspects of your business, and turn your attention towards the metrics that truly count even if you don’t have a business and finance background.
I wish to ease your fear and explain by when you can register and operate under a company name, and by when you are obligated to set up a company, to minimize your financial risk. This has to do with the volume of income you manage to make and the timeframe. So, it’s useful to know the basic rules and regulations of the country you are operating your business in.
I want to help you overcome your fears about taxation matters, so that you can focus on the aspects of your business that require your attention. And yes, maybe this is a complicated matter, but it’s good to be aware of the various aspects that your business will be accountable to, even when handled by a professional accountant or financial & tax advisor. So that you can carefully consider your tax planning as well as your compliance obligations towards the Tax Department.
Also, I wish to point out some obvious aspects of the business, although common sense is not always that common. Such as the importance of opening a corporate bank account. To separate your personal and business finances, to help you get a loan and protect you from creditors, Income Tax department and so on.
Again, the significance of this, especially if you are a new business owner, might escape you. And although this may not be your highest priority, subject to the industry you are operating in, but businesses need a corporate insurance because it helps cover the costs associated with property damage and liability claims. Without a corporate insurance, you may have to pay out-of-pocket for costly damages and legal claims against your company. But as I always believe – It’s better to be safe than sorry.
I wish to help you develop that acumen and deep understanding on the importance of human resource matters. And how your organizational structure, defining job roles and responsibilities, the of hiring your staff, and so many aspects of this important operational aspect of your business can make a difference between succeeding, remaining average or failing. Understanding your limitations or strengths subject to your business structure is of equal importance too.
You will learn and understand the extreme importance of marketing to raise awareness of your products or services and help engage with your potential customers to influence them make a purchase. Furthermore, you will learn how to put together a marketing plan, which should be a part of your business plan; and how you can create and maintain demand, relevance, reputation, and stand out from your competition. As Joe Chernov says: “Good marketing makes the company look smart, great marketing makes the customer feel smart.”
Through this course you will develop a sales mindset. Because, the sales function plays a pivotal role in the success of your business, bridging the gap between your potential customer’s needs and the products/services that you offer that can fulfil their needs. It is crucial to know how to convert sales lead to actual customers, grow your business and retain your customers. To quote Jeffrey Gitomer: “Great salespeople are relationship builders who provide value and help their customers win.”

However, an area often neglected is that of client service. If you think about it, your account managers are your brand ambassadors representing your brand when interacting with your existing customers. Customer service can literally break a company's chance to turn a potential customer into a loyal customer or grow your existing business when handled well.
Management of all the above! All the fore-mentioned are crucial elements to sustain and grow your business. And chances are you will be wearing many hats if a small business owner and will be doing most of the fore-mentioned (financial planning, forecasting, hiring etc). Which is why it is important that you understand them, identify your weak areas and develop the skills you need to master, to drive your business towards the path to success and higher profitability.
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Our Testimonials

What Our Clients Say
About Us

Gabriel Michael

Founder and Managing Director of Gabs Systems LTD

I have taken her Silia’s main course and I feel I must "spread the knowledge" of her being a "hidden Gem" in the Cypriot Business Ecosystem. She has shown me how to improve running my business and I feel I need to underline the consistency and passion she possessed while driving me step by step in actually saving time and money in managing daily business activities. She also helped me in Strategic planning! Through her expert guidance I have managed to develop a new attitude for everyday procedures, got familiar with the "art of saying No", gained confidence in dealing with clients communication wise and improved significantly the quality of my life! I strongly recommend her to be your guide in any business related "puzzle" you may have!